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The Two Shining Pillars become one

The Keeper of the Whitecloth, Altar-Girl of Christ, has struck an era-defining deal to merge the Two Shining Pillars into one Glastieven religion of Joanism. The labels of Bibblism and Catholicism have been dropped, with Bibble, the P Bus, and the Virgin Mary now affirmed together as the three Highest Myroblytes. Joanism is named after the historical icons of Pope Joan and St Joan of Arc.

Sir Freyr of Freiburg has been consecreated as the new High Priestess and ey will lead the faith with the assistance of Kerry and Charlotte as Mother Superior of devotion to Mary and Father Superior of devotion to Bibble. The signatures of the Keeper (as Hemi-Demi-Semi Bishop of Envardia) and the Chief Matriarch both appear on the Hanham Accords, which dissolve the cult of Bibblism; break communion with the Vatican; and recognise Freyr as High Priestess over Joanism and Glastieven mythology.

The short Myroblytes' Creed sketches out the theology of Joanism, which draws on both Catholicism and Bibblism. It has been suggested that Mary inclines towards Heaven whereas Bibble inclines towards Hell, with the P bus as the 'vehicle' that runs between them. God is God, but Her voice can sometimes be heard through what the Abrahamic tradition has constructed as Satan.

The full Creed reads:

I believe in one God, Creator of the Universe and Queen of All Oburron

Who speaks through Satan also

Who calls us to Slay in communion with the Saints

And I revere the Highest Myroblytes: Mary, Bibble, and the P

Mary that inclines towards the Spirit

Bibble that inclines towards the Flesh

And the P Bus that runneth between them in the unity of the whole person

I embrace the beauty of holiness and the ultrism of the rave

I hold queerness to be holy, feminism to be necessary, money and straight men to be the root of all evil, and mediaeval popular Catholicism to be kind of sick

I believe in the Tarot, embodiment of the pattern set down by our God

The Fairy Tree and liturgical glitter

Community and the end of capitalism

The evil of Daedalianism

And the sacred future of The Celestial Commonwealth of the Ethereal Glastieven Folkdom


Glastieven Catholics have long faced the struggle that the dogma and ordinary teaching of the Catholic Church is fundamentally sexist and clearly opposed to bus-worship. The attempt to re-interpret Catholicism as a radical challenge to the status quo has essentially been a hermeneutical challenge to translate the faith without sexism on the idea that it is alien to its essential distinctiveness. But this project is a quintissentially Protestant one, attempting to strip away layers of historical interpretation to uncover the pure and original meaning of the Gospel. It has also alienated Glastievens whose experience with the Church has been more emotionally abusive than attractively esoteric.

Joanism is the fulfilment of the project of Glastieven Catholicism in harmony with the vision that our fellow-citizens have been constructing from the sacred stuff of Glastieven culture. It is Queer Papism outside the Church - worship of God without dominion of Man.

The Bibblist attempt to build a faith from scratch using the stuff of Glastieven culture and our own attempt to find Glastieven precedents in the annals of history should always have been two wings of the same project; two branches on one Tree of Life. It is my sincere belief that Joanism is that project, and Freyr is the right person to lead us as High Priestess. Gone are the days of sectarian conflict; now, God and the P bus be willing, are the days of ritual, incense, and singing the songs of Bibble as one.

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