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A platform for official announcements

There has been no clear tradition in recent times for how the Keeper of the White Cloth or the High Council should share news with the people. Sometimes, the Keeper has posted to the Tesco Universitea Press. The PowerPoint Nights Act envisioned a weekly "gazette" of updates at the Gathering, but nine months later, the notion has failed to crystallise. Whilst it was my privilege to speak from the steps of Luxy's Den last Friday, it was also a taxing formula that ought perhaps to be reserved for special occasions.

However, I feel it is beneath the dignity of the Keeper to hold forth about their sacred duties in a "tea" press in a "sewer".

Moreover, I have been keen to ensure that our national life is not confined to one platform, lest we become to one another just "the people I talk to on Discord". Of course, I am keen for The Sewer to thrive; my launch of the LRC voice channel and my plan to consult on the server theme stand as clear proof that I am not 'anti-Discord'.

Yet I am also committed to protecting a sense of identity that centres on Glastieve as a concept, not "the" (i.e. any given) Discord server. To that end, I have already laid plans for three meetups, created a keepership Instagram page, supported Clarence's push for us to exchange letters, sustained Aaron's revival of the Night Walk group on Snapchat, and used e-mail, Zoom, and Messenger to run the Committees of Relevant Autisms.

Today, I make a further step towards enriching Glastieve's digital world by reviving GovernmentOnline to keep the people updated on matters of state.

GovernmentOnline was the website of the first ever Glastieven government. It does already have one news ticker, proudly announcing the enactment of the "Ministrial" Responsibilties Act and the Cabinet Procedure Act, both from Year 9, during the Cherbert Period of one half of the group and the Lower Classical Period of the other. I hope no-one will mind me adding another.

I encourage patriotic citizens to share the morsels on this website far and wide—to the Sewer, to Messenger groups, to the Tea Press. Nothing is being hidden: The Glastieven will continue to keep you in the loop; my Holiness will continue to share news at the Gathering and chat about my projects in the LRC. But now our formal announcements shall bear the reflect the high dignity and solemn grandeur that is proper to my holy office.

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